
Researchers and Their Stories

I’m a first year post-doc in the Brown lab, and first-time mum of a one-and-a-half-year-old, soon to be second-time mum. While it was relatively easy to pull off my…
  • Guest Author
  • June 4, 2019
I will not sugar coat it: I work in a refugee camp designed to be an open-air prison in the middle of a desert. This means working long hours and witnessing people…
Last week, I finished the final data collection for my PhD. It’s now occurred to me that I might be stressed about this. I could be stressed because I’ve never done…
This is for my friends, colleagues and students who are in ‘a world of thesis pain.’ As your supervisors, we do get it. Being a part-time PhD student and balancing…
  • Guest Author
  • June 4, 2019
Yesterday, I underwent my Viva Voce at the University of Leicester in the dark tower of the Attenborough Building. I felt like Childe Harold, or Frodo approaching Mount…
I started my PhD at King’s College in January 2016. At this point, I was so full of excitement and confidence, that I was certain I would breeze through my PhD. I knew…
Once, during an intensive two-week field gig, I had a miscarriage. It was not a dramatic one. Just an ordinary ending of a pregnancy in its early stages, the kind women…
  • Guest Author
  • June 3, 2019
Fieldwork is full of dichotomies. It can be exciting but exhausting, fun but frustrating, challenging and yet calming. Work in my last field site ended up being both the…
  • Guest Author
  • June 3, 2019
In winter 2015, I broke out in hives. When I went to the university health center, they asked me about any lifestyle changes that could have triggered my full-on…
Undertaking a PhD can feel sometimes like one of those impossible tasks set to unfortunate protagonists in fairy tales. You can never read every book, every article, or…