
Journal Submission & Peer Review

Dr. Tim Hunt is renowned for his work on cell cycle regulation for which he won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with Dr. Lee Hartwell and Dr. Paul…
When a journal does not provide clear information about the APC on its website, but informs the author of the amount only after acceptance, the author finds the charges…
An author is surprised and confused when the instructions provided by the journal submission system are different from those provided in the author guidelines on the…
Getting published isn’t magic; it’s a process. You don’t need to be Houdini! Just follow a few simple rules, submit to the appropriate journal for your study, and take…
Using peer review comments in a constructive way
Journal editors face various challenges while appointing reviewers. This post discusses these challenges and how editors deal with them. 
The scarce peer reviewer and challenges journal editors face
Authors find the peer review process daunting mainly because of the delays in editorial decision making. Why do editors take long to inform authors about the fate of…
Why is peer review so slow? The first step: identifying peer reviewers
Conflicting reviewer comments can be confusing, especially when there is no clear guidance from the editor about which comments to address. This article reports a case…
How to deal with conflicting reviewer comments: A case study
Authors are sometimes so keen on publishing in high impact factor journals that they indulge in unacceptable practices, such as unethical withdrawal or concurrent…
Addressing peer reviewers’ comments can be quite stressful. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you deal with them confidently.
How to respond to peer reviewers' comments: some do's and don'ts
Different journals follow different types of peer review based on the kind of research they publish and their journal management style. Being aware of the various types…