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My week started off with a trip to the ultrasound place. The moment the nurse put the wand onto my stomach, we looked up and saw that we were going to have a baby boy –…
I couldn’t have asked for a better first week of fieldwork. However, it sure has been a roller coaster of emotions. The landscape here is tough. And by tough I mean a…
Accurate attribution is one of the guiding principles of academic integrity ensuring that credit is given where credit is due. Here we offer some tips on how to avoid…
This infographic presents five key things biomedical researchers need to know about correlation analysis in order to produce reliable results.
The increasing number of devices connected over wireless networks is causing channels of information flow to be congested with heavy information traffic. In a new study,…
Last week, I finished the final data collection for my PhD. It’s now occurred to me that I might be stressed about this. I could be stressed because I’ve never done…
As we celebrate Peer Review Week 2022, we ask experts to reflect on how celebrating Peer Review Week has created an impact in scholarly communications or academia. 
This article explores the unique challenges faced by mid-career researchers and provide valuable tips to help them unlock the secrets of scholarly publishing. From…
In this blogpost, we'll demystify how Bayesian statistics can revolutionize your approach to meta-analysis.
By the end of the six Apollo missions that took place from 1969-72, astronauts brought back a total of 842 pounds of rocks and dust from the moon. Of the 2,200 samples,…