
Manuscript Writing

Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Medical Association Manual (AMA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet to…
Read this article to learn the ABCs of science communication. The article covers everything you need to understand how science communication works and what you need to…
Inaccurate usage of scientific and technical terms can give out the impression that you do not have in-depth knowledge of the subject.  Naturally, peer reviewers are…
Given the pressure on researchers to publish and that too in a foreign language, many non–English-speaking researchers may write the paper in their first language and…
This post acts as your go-to guide about standardized coefficients -- what are they, when are they needed, how to interpret, and much more.
Hedging is common in academic writing. But is it appropriate? And, if yes, how much should you hedge? This post explains it all. 
Adhering to the guidelines prescribed by an exhaustive manual such as the American Psychological Association Manual (APA) of Style can be daunting. Here's a cheat sheet…
Understand the impact of a science color palette on your scientific research, how to properly choose your palette colors to ensure color accessibility.
Here’s a simple yet effective recipe with five ingredients, which are key to creating a well-written, submission-ready manuscript that delights the journal editor and…
Because meta-analyses can have a substantial impact on the decisions made by clinicians, researchers, policymakers, etc., they need to be conducted carefully and…