
News & Trends

The internet is full of advice—maintaining physical and mental health; homeschooling; reading, watching, listening lists; connecting while social distancing; creating…
Dr. Sridhar Gutam, senior scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, India, and founder of “Open Access India” shares insights into the open access…
The UK government is increasing domestic public investment by at least 40% across the North, Midlands, South West, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as a part of…
Spintronic devices, which use electron spin to process data, are emerging at the forefront of semiconductor applications. Staying a step ahead, scientists from Korea…
When total lockdown was annnounced in my state, my husband was out of town. With a sisnking feeling, I realized that I would have to manage a pressing research deadline…
A team of researchers from Chung-Ang University and their collaborators have revealed a critical role of sequence differences in ribosomes—the cell’s protein-production…
Concerns about the scarcity of lithium and other materials necessary in the now-ubiquitous lithium-ion batteries have recently driven many researchers to look for…
A recent study by a group of scientists from Japan and Austria has revealed that a different mechanism is responsible for the formation and maintenance of the cell…
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has resolved to reduce and eventually eliminate the need and funding of animal-based research for testing the toxicity of…
In a new study, Professor Hideo Noda of the School of Management at the Tokyo University of Science examined data from 34 OECD countries and appraised the effects of…