
Recommended Reads

In honor of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, we thought of looking back at some of the other Nobel Laureates in the field of chemistry. How much do you really know…
This month, we have a great round-up of articles that deals with many complex issues such as academic moonlighters and discipline-hopping as well as negative attitudes…
This year, during Peer Review Week, both event hashtags – #PeerRevWk19 and #QualityInPeerReview – were flooded with interesting peer review-related posts in multiple…
Here is a short and quick roundup of what was on academics’ minds on Twitter this month.
In honor of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine, we thought it would be interesting to jolt our memories and look back at some of the other Nobel Laureates in Physiology or…
Take a look at some of our most interesting picks from the month of October in academia. 
The first month of the New Year has already gone by! We hope you have had a great start. If you have been too busy to catch up with all the happenings in the academic…
This article explores the concept of digital accessibility, discusses why it is important in scholarly publishing, and looks at how publishers are facilitating…
Here're some interesting discussions you may have missed this month– a unique disobedience award that rewards scientists for their contributions to society, a different…
Here is our curated list of some of the most happening conversations that took place in academia to fill your appetite for the goings-on of the scholarly publishing…