
Researchers and Their Stories

My wait to get into a PhD program was around four years long – not surprisingly, though, my personal life couldn’t wait. 
When I first left for university, I realized, by no choice of mine, that I am gay. It was a long, tough road to accept this about myself, but I am gay and I am here and…
  • Guest Author
  • April 27, 2020
I started having fevers, fatigue, and shortness of breath. I called a doctor and they informed me that I may or may not have COVID-19, but since my symptoms would be…
As a grad student with an invisible chronic illness, I have both the luxury and the misfortune of being able to blend in with everyone else. I go to the same classes. I…
  • Guest Author
  • September 6, 2019
Being “better off” than others does not mean “feeling good”. I still needed to make efforts to preserve my mental health. I thus tried to make up for the lack of social…
I am not someone who needs to be surrounded by people. So last year when I applied to be on a professional doctorate programme, I wasn’t troubled when family and friends…
At 9 months pregnant, I had two promising phone interviews. Given my advanced pregnancy, and how unpredictable babies’ arrivals can be, my contact at a medical…
  • Guest Author
  • April 15, 2019
Like every graduating PhD student, even I had a dream of going abroad for my postdoctoral research. This is my story about how this dream got realized and how I ended up…
Academic research is an exciting but challenging profession, and researchers often struggle to manage their work and personal life responsibilities. Find out how a…
Starting a PhD is like reliving your first day of school; it’s exciting, but also very daunting. You find yourself trying so hard to fit in and impress your peers and…