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I almost chickened out, but I ended up getting coffee with the socially anxious PhD whom I recently met at a talk. I agonized over the meeting all morning and ended up…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
Have you wondered what could be awaiting you outside of an academic career? Meet Kaivalya Mudholkar, who has a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Freiburg…
The period of completing the first draft was probably the toughest period I’ve ever had psychologically. I questioned every life decision I ever made. I was so lost in…
Seven years ago, as a graduate with a Biology degree, I was at a career crossroads. Pursuing a doctoral degree was a very straightforward and tempting option. But I knew…
  • Guest Author
  • June 26, 2019
In the media, an academic simply doesn’t look like me. They don’t come from the background I came from. While, this may seem like an overgeneralization, sometimes I feel…
  • Guest Author
  • May 30, 2019
This year, for Peer Review Week, the entire scholarly publishing community came together with gusto to celebrate the event and show their support for diversity in…
Capturing the essence of Peer Review Week 2018
In this post, we discuss the why retractions occur and how ethical researchers can deal with the prospect of their work being retracted. 
In exactly a week, I will be back at work and someone other than me is going to take care of my little rascals. I am not worried about my 4 year old, who has already…
  • Guest Author
  • May 21, 2019
Lasso penalized regression has proven to be a valuable asset in genetics research, aiding researchers in the identification of key genetic markers. By understanding its…
In this blogpost, we’ll explore different types of cluster analysis, its real-world applications, and its pros and cons as a tool to navigate the complex landscape of…