

Duncan MacRae, Senior Publisher of the journal Medicine published by Wolters Kluwer, played a major role in transitioning the journal from a subscription-based model to…
Editage and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) have announced the start of a partnership  that will provide discounted English-language editing services…
Europe's biomedical research is threatened by the European Citizen’s Initiative’s (ECI) Stop Vivisection proposal. However, several science organizations and 16 Nobel…
Science organizations and Nobel laureates defend animal research in Europe
The journal PLOS ONE sacked a peer reviewer for making sexist remarks on a manuscript. The editor of the journal has also been blamed for the oversight. The peer…
The footage of zebrafish's 'inner ear' development by Dr. Mariana Muzzopappa of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona; and Jim Swoger of the Center for…
Serving editorial office professionals, the International Society of Managing & Technical Editors (ISMTE) provides a dynamic network among peers along with practical…
Recognizing the moral and ethical responsibilities of researchers and the need to promote clinical trial transparency, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued…
WHO calls for researchers to report the findings of all clinical trials
Richard Wynne, Vice President, Editorial Manager (Aries Systems Corporation) Richard Wynne has been with Aries Systems Corporation since January 1999, and has played…
Editorial Manager: Lending structure to the academic publishing ecosystem
Journal editors face various challenges while appointing reviewers. This post discusses these challenges and how editors deal with them. 
The scarce peer reviewer and challenges journal editors face
In this post, Dr. Goldman discusses how a journal editor identifies potential peer reviewers for a submitted paper and the reasons for delay at this stage of editorial…