
News & Trends

The footage of zebrafish's 'inner ear' development by Dr. Mariana Muzzopappa of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona; and Jim Swoger of the Center for…
The European Research Council has announced that it will begin monitoring the economic and social outcomes of the research projects that it has commissioned.
It’s hard to be a happy academic at times like these. How can one focus on much other than the chaos around the world? Maybe we could be excused from expectations (often…
Wouldn’t it be interesting to take a peek into how academic mothers managed their work while also taking care of their kids during the pandemic? We spoke to three…
Academic freedom has become a hot topic of discussion among Russian scientists as a recent amendment in law by the Russian government states that research manuscripts…
Predatory author services are the newest avatar of predatory publishers, but with the same malicious intent: to deceive new, inexperienced researchers. With the backing…
Over the past few years, mental health in academia has begun to receive more and more attention—a welcome development since mental health concerns among researchers had…
Elsevier has removed one of the world's most highly cited researchers from its editorial board after investigations revealed he was engaging in editorial malpractices
Is it possible that the socio-cultural factors of a country can influence the publication practices of the researchers? This article delves deep into the factors that…
A court in south China’s Shenzhen city found He Jiankui and two others his research team guilty of illegally gene-editing human embryos. All the three researchers…