
Conducting Research

A clinical case report or case study is a means of disseminating new knowledge gained from clinical practice. Clinical case reports are the first-line evidence in…
The policies concerning the need for ethical approval by an institutional review board or ethics committee can be different in different countries. This can unfairly…
This post reviews the book Writing for Science Journals: Tips, Tricks, and a Learning plan, an immensely useful resource for authors
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about academic writing and publication. If you get all questions right, you get the right to brag about it to your…
Quiz: How much do you know about academic literature?
Systematic reviews are regarded as the best source of research evidence. A systematic review is a rigorous review of existing literature that addresses a clearly…
Every researcher conducts a literature search to ensure that the topic he or she has chosen to work on has not been published earlier. But what happens if, after…
Inadequate literature review makes an author's research redundant: A case study
Many journals publish literature reviews as standalone articles. Literature reviews, along with systematic reviews and meta-analyses come under the broad category of…
This post offers a few tips on how to make Google searches more effective.
Make your Google searches more precise: A few tips for researchers
This article explains what an original article is and how you should go about writing one. It provides detailed guidance on every aspect of writing an original article -…
A young researcher's guide to writing an original research article
It is important to have a clear idea about the different types of articles that you can publish in journals. This will help you understand the ways in which you can…