Q: Can I ask the editor to publish a withdrawn manuscript after acceptance?

Detailed Question -

I submitted a manuscript to one of a well-ranked journals (published by Wiley). After one month, I received the reviewers' minor comments and replied with the revised version. Few days later, my manuscript was accepted for publication. Due to unexpected conflict of interest, I had withdrawn the manuscript. Now, a year later, can I ask the editor to publish the withdrawn manuscript?

1 Answer to this question

The simple and short answer is, yes: you may ask the editor to consider publishing the withdrawn manuscript again. Because the reviewers had made only minor comments and the publication had been accepted, it will be in the journal’s interest to publish the manuscript. 


However, the case is too specific to for any such general advice to be really useful. A great deal depends on the grounds on which you had requested that the article be withdrawn. You mention ‘unexpected conflict of interest’, so one assumes that the conflict has since been resolved.  


Therefore, please justify your request that the withdrawn manuscript be reconsidered for publication by explaining to the editor how the conflict was resolved. Also furnish any documentary evidence as applicable: for instance, if the conflict was related to the inclusion or exclusion of authors, it might help to attach the fresh request signed by all the authors of the paper.