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What are the most common reasons for retraction?

The number of published papers being retracted is increasing dramatically and is higher than ever before. Although retracted papers still represent a miniscule…

You’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears, along with countless hours into your dissertation and it’s nearly ready for its final hand-in. However, you want your dissertation to be the best it can…

Accurate attribution is one of the guiding principles of academic integrity ensuring that credit is given where credit is due. Here we offer some tips on how to avoid citation errors and biases…

Publishers, governments, and learned societies the world over are faced with the intractable issue of academic corruption. A recently published article highlights some…

The month of October zoomed past us! If you were too busy to catch up with the interesting goings-on in academic publication and scholarly communications industry, our team of editors has you…

The STAP stem cells situation, as I write this down, represents a can of worms whose lid has been pried open by scores of scholarly commentators, most of them active researchers in the field, on…

Is the journal retraction rate rising?

Research papers go through a long and thorough process of peer review so that the published papers are free of errors and mistakes. Despite this, sometimes some errors…

Diabetes Journal

Quick facts and tips for submitting your manuscript to the Diabetes journal

As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top five tips so you can avoid being…

On December 1, Dutch microbiologist Elizabeth Bik was announced as the winner of the prestigious John Maddox prize for her “outstanding work exposing widespread threats to research integrity in…