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In this first part of our video interview, Dr. John Willinsky provokes thoughtful discussion on the future of academic research and more broadly, a knowledge-based society. Founder and Director of…
Michelle Belanger is a general physician who has an experience of over 6 years in academic research, medical writing, and reviewing.
In this part of our video interview, Dr. John Willinsky talks about the inequity of access to research in certain parts of the world and how digital publishing and open-access initiatives might help…
President of the European Association of Science Editors, Dr. Joan Marsh, speaks about resources for the development of editors.
Euan Adie
Euan Adie is founder and CEO of London-based start-up Altmetric, which tracks online activity relating to scholarly literature. Altmetric was founded in 2011, emerging from the altmetrics movement as…
Dr. Sun Huh discusses the current scientific publishing community in Korea.
The development of science in Korea also brings the expansion of scientific journals, editing, and databases. Korea R&D budget ranks high among other OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation…
Dr. Sun Huh continues to discuss science editing in Korea in the second part of this interview by introducing important resources for science editors of Korean journals. Dr. Huh is also Chair for the…
Understanding open access publishing and its chances for sustainability
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers…
What reservations do authors have towards using open access journals? How do open access journals manage peer review quality? In this second segment of her interview, Dr. Caroline Sutton, active…
Open access publishing: acting together with authors, editors, societies, and institutions
Dr. Caroline Sutton is an active expert on open access publishing and Co-Founder of Co-Action Publishing. She is also Director at Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA), the managing…