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Research integrity: what do international guidelines say?

Research misconduct translates into a colossal wastage of resources and distortion of the foundation of evidence. Several international guidelines on good research practices and publication ethics…

Beyond the textbook: making science fun and accessible for kids

The sparks of children’s interest in science often ignite at the school level, but researchers can fan these flames to prevent them from extinguishing by communicating their research in an…

Empowering ESL researchers: tips for International publishers and collaborators

In research, English has probably helped break down barriers more than it has divided people, but the predominance of English is not an unalloyed good. The expectation of good English skills means…

Correcting the scientific record: dealing with retractions

In this post, we discuss the why retractions occur and how ethical researchers can deal with the prospect of their work being retracted. 

International Women’s Day special: Women scientists who inspired us

Here are a few personal stories some of us associated with Editage Insights/CACTUS would like to share with you about the impact some women scientists have had on us. 

5 Inspiring women leading academia in the Global South

n this article, we celebrate five prominent female academic leaders whose contributions have not only shaped their respective fields but have also become beacons of inspiration for generations to…

4 Unique perspectives on women doing field-based research

Female researchers doing fieldwork navigate unique risks that can impact their ability to contribute to scientific progress. By delving into the articles featured here, we embark on a journey to…

Enhancing Healthcare: Power of Bayesian Methods in Mersonalized Medicine

With advancements in technology and data analytics, personalized medicine has witnessed a surge in interest, offering the potential to revolutionize patient care. Among the various methodologies…

Transcending borders Part 2: How multilingual platforms redefine research collaboration 

How does one navigate International collaborations in academia? Here is the second part of a 2-part series on overcoming geographical and language challenges in research collaboration.

Balancing act: from bench to bassinet and back

There are ways to strike a balance between career aspirations and caregiving responsibilities, and institutions are beginning to recognize the need for policies that encourage diversity and…