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Peer review as we know it today has evolved through the years to accommodate different journals' management styles as well as the increasing volume of journal…

It is very rare that two researchers from the same family receive the Nobel Prize. But what if the 2 researchers involved in the prize-winning research are both life…

This infographic addresses important questions about open access. It compiles the benefits of publishing your article open access, reasons behind its importance in…

As part of the four-year anniversary of Editage Insights, we would like you to join us as we take a look back at the fabulous journey so far. We want to share with you…

5 Differences between a research paper and a review paper

Scholarly literature can be of different types; some of which require that researchers conduct an original study, whereas others can be based on existing research. One…

This interactive infographic will provide you with a step-by-step cheat sheet of how to cite a journal article in the APA style. It will systematically explain which…

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as your own and is considered absolutely wrong. Plagiarism can be interntional as well as intentional. Take a look at this inforgraohic as it debunks…

Plagiarism is one of the most common reasons for journal rejection and is considered a highly unethical practice. As an author, if you are found guilty of plagiarism,…

Plagiarism is a serious issue in the field of research. Plagiarism is often accidently and can be tricky to identify. Take a look at the infographic to understand the difference ebtween…

The Oxford Comma is one of the most common form of punctuation used while writing a research paper. Researchers are often left confused as to when it should be used. To…