Recent groundbreaking papers published in Nature on January 29, 2014 by stem-cell biologists have created a media storm for three reasons: confusion over non-…

Dr. Helle V. Goldman discusses what kind of papers are immediately eliminated, how closely she works with her peer reviewers, and how difference in opinions between reviewers is handled.
Denmark-born, American anthropologist Dr. Helle V. Goldman shares insights from her 16-year experience as Chief Editor of Polar Research. She talks candidly about what kind of papers are immediately…

January 21, 2014, 08:00 AM - April 14, 2014, 10:00 AM UTC

Organization Science journal

Learn about the journal Organization Science in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links.

Using the whole or parts of one's own previously published work in a new study is considered as self-plagiarism and is unethical.

Using content from one's own previously published work in a new study without citing the original work is considered as self-plagiarism. However, some authors are…

What is peer review - The basics and guidelines for authors

Many early career researchers and students are often baffled about the role of peer review and what it entails. This article covers the basics of the peer review…

Publication ethics problems don't spare any discipline
"Many journals are not only seeing more problems, the cases also seem to be becoming more complex." Dr. Hames discusses how current ethical issues across the academic publishing industry are being…