Editage conducts a workshop on writing a manuscript effectively for high impact journals

Editage collaborated with Wolters Kluwer, India, to conduct a workshop on December 19, 2018, at Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dehradun, India.
Dr. Sucharita Kundu led an enlightening session on ‘Writing a Manuscript Effectively for High Impact Journals.’ The workshop had a turnout of over a hundred students, comprising largely of those who had enrolled for post-graduate level courses. Knowing how important high-impact journals are in terms of prestige, high publicity, and citation value, Dr. Kundu shared informative insights on framing research problems, generating solid data, and shaping the overall scientific study such that it is suitable for high-impact international journals.
Editage collaborates with Wolters Kluwer
Workshops such as these have proven to be immensely helpful for authors in all stages of research publication. Editage, a division of Cactus Communications, has combined their unique author perspective and years of expertise in delivering education solutions for researchers to launch a Training Academy that focuses on coaching researchers on all aspects of the publication process.
This content belongs to the Manuscript Writing Stage
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