As an academic, experiencing creative and motivational blocks is commonplace. The good news is that there’s more than one way to deal with them. In this article, we've listed techniques you can use …
Our guest authors are passionate about research and its communication – so passionate that they turn into composers! Here’s a short poem on academic writing from one of our guest authors that shares…
A published paper is not the end, but a means to the larger picture – the actual research itself – which is broader in scope than the paper. This post talks about the how the propositions in research…
Economists from the Tokyo Institute of Technology tested the quiet life hypothesis in the context of management in Japan and suggested mechanisms to address the challenges it poses. This article…
Economics scholars at the University of Chicago investigate how uncertainty affects cooperation and emphasize the importance of replicating experiments to validate their findings. Read on to learn…
Has econometrics taught in classes kept pace with its application? Is a paradigm shift needed? Angrist and Pischke’s (2017) “Undergraduate econometrics instruction: through our classes, darkly”…