Q: How long would it be acceptable to respond to a peer-reviewed report?
Almost two weeks have passed since I received the peer-reviewed report from Academic editor of Shock and Vibration (Hindawi). It stated that the manuscript should be revised as soon as possible according to the peer-reviewed report. But the revision has not been completed yet and I'm worried it's too late.
There are very few journals that do not give a precise timeline for completing revisions, Hindawi publishers being one of them. Depending on various factors—like number of volumes/issues published annually for a given journal, the Editorial board decides on timeline that an author is expected to revert with revisions to peer reviewers' comments. In our experience, most of the journals give a 30-day period. However, there are a few which would like to fast-track the process in order to publish the article in their next issue, so they might expect revisions within a week too.
But, you need not worry in your case if journal has not mentioned a timeline, you can take your time. Responding to the peer reviewer comments is crucial for the fate of a submission, and the authors should avoid a rushed re-submission or leaving a technical gap in their revisions.
As the best practice, you may consider dropping an email to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal informing the current status of your revisions and expected date of re-submission. This will definitely reduce your anxiety and leave no room for doubt.
All the best for your publication!
This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage