Q: literature review for orthopaedic problems

Detailed Question -

need some examples for orthopaedic literature review

1 Answer to this question

Welcome to the Editage Insights Q&A Forum! Thank you for your question.  

We have quite a few resources on writing the literature review on the forum and the Editage Insights website. We have linked a few of these below. For more help, you may look up the site using the relevant keywords.   

Where will I receive recent literature reviews for my topic? 

How to write the literature review of your research paper   

5 Tips to write a great literature review  

How To Do Literature Search And Review Effectively?  

We also recommend that you use R Discovery, a free research discovery app with relevant, curated literature from PubMed and PubMed Central, Microsoft Academic. It has a simple interface and very useful features like notifications on recently published papers in your field of study, personalization, convenient search filters, bookmarking and more. Download the free app from Google Play or the App Store

Hope that helps. All the best for your study!