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Interested in getting started with Bayesian statistics? Carefully selecting a prior distribution helps maintain objectivity and transparency in your Bayesian analysis…
Bayesian priors and prior distribution: Making the most of your existing knowledge
This piece aims to raise awareness about paper mills, tracing its origins and modus operandi, and bringing to light the red flags researchers should be wary of.
Editage has now released a new report highlighting geographic patterns in author attitudes toward open access publishing titled “Geographic Trends in Attitudes to Open…
Editage releases a report highlighting country-specific patterns and differences in researchers' attitudes toward open access
In the world of biomedical research, where every piece of data holds valuable insights, statistical tools like the Method of Moments play a crucial role. By demystifying…
Understanding the Method of Moments: a handy guide for biomedical researchers
In scientific research, statisticians and researchers continually seek the most robust and informative methods to analyze data. The integration of Bayesian and…
Navigating the best of both worlds: using both Bayesian and frequentist statistics in your study
Here we discuss how by carefully considering the various sampling methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages, you can enhance the validity and reliability…
Sampling methods and techniques in research: A comprehensive guide
The sparks of children’s interest in science often ignite at the school level, but researchers can fan these flames to prevent them from extinguishing by communicating…
Beyond the textbook: making science fun and accessible for kids
PublishingQuest is a gripping adventure. Once you start, it’s hard to stop—literally!
Social media can allow researchers to connect, collaborate, disseminate their research, and keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Choosing from the…
This blogpost will outline some best practices that can help you not only boost your efficiency and productivity as a researcher but also contribute toward ethical…