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Pursuing a PhD is both a privilege and a test of character

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Pursuing a PhD is both a privilege and a test of character


Yesterday I was reading a blog post on the “unspoken dark side” of getting a PhD. In the article, the author shared his struggle during his post-graduate studies and described how academia is a hotspot for depression and poor mental health (based on scientific surveys).

I fully agree that getting a PhD (or a Master’s) can carry you down a road filled with tests and pitfalls. Indeed, the possible issues during post-graduate studies are numerous:

  • Unsupportive/absent adviser
  • Minimal/absent social interactions at work
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Daily/frequent/obnoxious self-doubt
  • Roller-coaster productivity/motivation
  • Academic experience falling short of expectations

I did see people not enjoying post-graduate studies and I did experience first hand some of the above. Indeed, my jaw blocked shut because I processed my stress grinding my teeth in my sleep. Pursuing post-graduate studies is definitely a test of how you address being stressed. However, I don’t think we should “accept depression as part of the course” and I disagree with saying that there is a psychological cost to a PhD. You might as well just say there is a psychological cost to life; depression, isolation or struggle is not reserved to highly trained, brainy, isolated PhD candidates. You might lose someone close to you; fall ill to some terrible sickness; or just stop seeing the light in a perfectly balanced life. Such is the faith of humans; the brain equilibrium is probably our greatest Achilles’ heel.

I can’t speak for all domains, but I thought we were forgetting a massive thing here: Having the possibility of pursuing a PhD degree is a great PRIVILEGE one should acknowledge and celebrate.

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What should you celebrate?

  • Work in a field or on a subject that you chose
  • Realize yourself through your work
  • Keep learning
  • Make your own schedule
  • Be in contact with curious, educated, informed human beings
  • Have the opportunity to travel and meet people around the world
  • Have easy access to further training
  • Make a contribution to society, as tiny as it might be
  • Be paid for all the above (at least in Biology)

As I enter the last part of my post-graduate training, I realize the luck (which I also earned through hard work and discipline, #earnednotgiven) I had in the last three years and how I enjoyed it. I also plan to keep remembering this every day until the defense, through good and bad days.

Here is what I am grateful for:

  • A great adviser and co-adviser that complement each other well.
  • An outstanding support system, both at home and with my family and friends.
  • research center that provides priceless professional services.
  • Healthy finances.
  • Loving what I do: learning, research, analyses, coding, teaching, EVERYTHING!
  • Being disciplined with a flexible schedule.
  • Sleeping easily, always.

You’re starting a Ph.D.? Here’s some advice.

Yes, sometimes I shiver contemplating all the uncertainty my future holds. But then I remember the vastness of opportunity tomorrow offers me, and I feel electrified and thrilled.

Do you?

Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe (@Isabel_Laforest) is a Postdoctoral fellow on maternity leave, post which she will start a position as Assistant Professor in January 2020 at the Université de Sherbrooke. This story was published on November 13, 2015 on Dr. Laforest-Lapointe’s blog (available here), and has been republished here with her permission.

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Published on: May 07, 2019

Postdoctoral fellow on maternity leave, post which I will start a position as Assistant Professor in January 2020 at the Université de Sherbrooke
See more from Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe


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