Q: Should I revise and resubmit as per the AE's suggestion if the paper was rejected without review?

Detailed Question -

I have submitted the manuscript to the journal (the approximate IF is 5.5), and received the decision only after 3 days after submission. There is no comment by Reviewer, and Associate Editor (AE) is suggesting the revision and the resubmission as de novo, which looks major revision actually. As for this journal, the acceptance rate is 10% or less, and the manuscripts under the defined criteria are often rejected immediately. The comment by AE says “After an in-house evaluation by the Editors”, that looks the decision by editors without reviewers. Can I consider there is some hope with this situation?

1 Answer to this question

It is difficult to comment on the outcome of the paper based on the information you have provided. All I can say is that if the Associate Editor (AE) has taken time to do a detailed review of the manuscript, he/she is definitely showing some interest in it. I think you can give it a shot. If you submit after making all the suggested revisions, the editor will at least send it for peer review. there is no harm in trying, as incorporating the editor's suggestions will definitely improve your paper. 

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