Q: Submission returned to "Editor Invited" status after one month at "Reviews Received".

Detailed Question -

Hello, I've been in the process with Scientific Reports for a few months now. What's surprising is that after spending 1 month in the "Reviews received" state, I'm back in the "Editor invited" state, just like in the first week of my submission.

Here is the full timeline :

  • Reviews received 18 Apr, 2022
  • Reviewers agreed On 16 Apr, 2022
  • Reviewers invited Invitations sent on 16 Mar, 2022
  • Editor assigned On 06 Mar, 2022
  • Editor invited On 21 Feb, 2021
  • Submission checks complete On 21 Feb, 2022


Have you ever had similar experiences?

1 Answer to this question

Dear Author,

Thank you for writing to us.

The status has changed back to ‘Editor invited’ in order to take a decision based on the reviewer’s comments. It is possible that the original editors must be unavailable, and a new editor needs to be selected for the manuscript. Yes, we have seen this situation with multiple submissions.

You can consider writing to journal to inquire about the status of the manuscript.