Q: What is the best way of writing the background to the topic of problems facing basic school teachers?

1 Answer to this question

Hello Joseph – Welcome to the forum! Writing the background is basically about setting the context for your study. You’ll need to talk about how your topic is relevant to the broader field, why it’s significant (or necessary to study), and also what other similar studies say about your topic. This information will come both from your knowledge of the topic/field and also from doing a comprehensive literature search – an exploration of other related studies. For more help with writing the background, you may refer to these resources:

One point though. Your topic (problems facing basic school teachers) seems too broad. You’ll probably need to narrow it down – make it more focused. For instance, it will help to think about what kinds of problems (or even just one) you’d like to concentrate on, teachers of which grade to focus on, and so on. Otherwise, the scope of your study will become too huge and it may also not yield any significant insights or learnings. For help with narrowing down the focus and scope, you may find these resources useful:

Hope that helps. All the best for your study!