Q: What should be the research objective for a tea start-up?

Detailed Question -

I am doing a research proposal on a tea cafe - how it started and how it became a brand. What should be the research objective?

1 Answer to this question

Firstly, please note that your question or its expression wasn’t entirely clear. So, we have made some edits to it. Even then, some points are not clear. For instance, you have talked about working on a research proposal (which is for a proposed brand). But you have possibly also talked about how a particular existing brand started and became an established brand. If so, you are probably referring to a case study. Or perhaps you wish to study the existing brand (or brands) as a background to know what should go into the proposed brand.

As several elements of your question/study seem a bit diffused, we are providing some relevant links below around the various aspects mentioned so that you may go through them and get a better idea of what you wish to study.

Hope that helps. All the best for your proposal / study!