Q: When does a scientific paper require third party data authorization?

Detailed Question -

In a recent article about computers and fluids, the reviewer required references for literature data (I missed some spots), and it was mentioned that authorization is needed for the use of third-party data. I generally think it is fine to use references. May I ask under what circumstances authorization should be obtained and how to obtain it?

1 Answer to this question

Thank you for your question. I have divided my answer into three parts for clarity.

What is third party data authorization?

Third party data authorization is required when you cite intellectual property from other works in your study. Permission should be sought from the rights holder to reproduce any substantial part of a copyrighted work. This includes any text, illustrations, charts, tables, photographs, or other material from previously published sources.

When do you require third party data authorization and where to find it?

It is acceptable to use reference citations if the work you are citing is licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY license, which means that you may download and read the paper for free. Moreover, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit. However, some articles may be licensed differently and are protected by copyrights. In such cases, you would want to seek permissions before proceeding. You can find details regarding the copyrights in the online published versions of the articles/works in question.

Obtaining permission

You can contact the publisher of the material. Most publishers provide a permission request form on their website through which you can contact them regarding the relevant material.


I hope this helps.