
Journal Submission & Peer Review

Responding to peer reviewers’ comments can be quite stressful. But if you are well prepared, this can be an enriching and enjoyable learning experience. This article…
9 Tips for responding to comments by peer reviewers
The ultimate objective of peer review is to ensure a high quality of published science and authors should view the process as an opportunity to improve the quality of…
What is peer review?
A cover letter for a revised manuscript should be sent to the editor along with the author’s responses to the reviewer comments. This letter is often called the response…
How to write a great rebuttal letter
Most journals have online submission systems, which have definitely made it easier and quicker for authors to submit their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is submitted,…
Tracking your manuscript status in journal submission systems
This article shares an editor's experience and views on why papers get rejected. Read on to find out how authors can avoid their manuscript from getting rejected. 
4 Basic reasons a peer reviewer might reject your manuscript
Once a manuscript is submitted to a journal, it goes through an initial screening process which involves a preliminary review by the journal editor. At this stage, the…
Editorial decision-making: what are the possible outcomes for a manuscript?
Plagiarism is often one of the commonly cited reasons behind retraction of scientific papers. However, should plagiarism in any form necessarily result in journal…
Should plagiarism lead to retraction in all circumstances?
Retraction is one of the most widely discussed topics in the publication industry, and authors should be aware of its implications.
What every researcher should know about retraction
Every author wants to see their paper published. However, even papers with novel and path breaking findings might face rejection due to basic mistakes in manuscript…
5 Basic mistakes in manuscript writing that can lead to rejection
What does conflict of interest mean? This article also explains why such conflicts arise and how they can be avoided.