
Journal Submission & Peer Review

An author took the assistance of Editage for the editing and submission of his manuscript. We edited and formatted the manuscript as per the journal guidelines, but the…
What every non-native author should know when making online submissions
Often authors feel disheartened when they receive multiple or detailed critical comments from peer reviewers. This article helps authors deal with major critical…
In this second part of our interview, Dr. Hames discusses how the journal editorial process has evolved over the years, the dissatisfaction with the traditional peer…
The peer review process: challenges and progress
Journal decision making is complex and involves multiple layers of screening. Peer review is an extremely crucial part of this process, one on which the journal's…
Answers to questions all researchers have about the journal decision-making process
Many early career researchers and students are often baffled about the role of peer review and what it entails. This article covers the basics of the peer review system…
What is peer review - The basics and guidelines for authors
Getting your work published in a peer-reviewed journal almost always involves revising your manuscript at least once. This article provides tips on revising your…
Tips for authors submitting a revised manuscript
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of research papers submitted to academic journals, which has significantly increased the pressure on journal editors…
How authors do themselves a disservice
One of the many questions regarding journal choice that prolific young researchers face these days is this: Is it better to submit two or more papers to the same journal…
Submitting two or more papers to the same journal
Rejection is the norm in academic publishing. All established researchers are familiar with manuscript rejection. But understanding the possible reasons for journal…
Those who are new to the field of academic publishing might have the impression that submitting research papers to journals and getting them published are orderly…