
News & Trends

The U.S. Patent Office issued a patent titled “Online peer review system and method” to the leading academic publisher Elsevier, which has evoked strong reactions from…
The Editage Insights team participated in the 2016 meeting of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE) at the Carlton Palace Hotel in Deira, Dubai, on August 10 and…
In an unprecedented move, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has charged OMICS Group, Inc. for deceiving researchers and academicians about publication fees, peer…
The impact factor has for a long time been a measure of journal prestige. Most authors wish to publish their papers in the so called high impact journals, even though it…
English language journals are rapidly being launched in China by Chinese universities and publishers, according to The Publishers Association’s new report PA Market…
The American Chemical Society (ACS) announced on 10 August that plans to start a preprint server exclusively for chemistry papers.
The American Chemical Society to launch a chemistry preprint server
Journal rejection is considered a natural part of the publication process. However, top-tier journals are more inclined toward rejecting a paper than accepting it, which…
Many authors, particularly those who lack fluency in English, often take the assistance of professional medical writing services. However, authors should be extremely…
On 4 August, the US federal agency National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that it would lift the funding moratorium that it had imposed on HIH-funded research,…
Pippa Smart is the owner of PSP Consulting, a company that offers advice and consultancy services to publishers, journals, and editors across the world. She advises…