

The six years of my PhD life were the best ones in my academic life, thanks to my PhD supervisor. I grew every day, not just as an academic but also as a person. What I…
As such the difficulties and variables in the project were tough to deal with; my supervisor’s behavior added unnecessary ambiguity and uncertainty to the situation,…
  • Guest Author
  • January 24, 2020
I was blessed to find a great guide... She was a strong source of support and guidance for me throughout, lifting my spirits when I was demotivated, sharing her…
We were expecting to observe fascinating never-before visualized evidence for protein folding, but a tragedy in my personal life changed everything.
Before I started my research, words like humility, gratitude, and resilience had been just that – words. My PhD journey drew on unknown and uncharted depths of strengths…
My research life began at the end of my junior year. I chose the laboratory I was going to work at because I heard the professor say, “If you join my laboratory, you can…
My professional and research journeys that have spanned over 23 years have been atypical. How so? I went from being an engineer to a professor and then acquiring a PhD –…
When I look back at my life, given the struggles I had to endure, I feel that getting a PhD degree was not my biggest achievement. My biggest achievement was that I…
  • Guest Author
  • December 9, 2019
The students of the program found out that due to some administrative restrictions, they would not be able to travel to Greece…all students, except one – me! I was…
  • Guest Author
  • December 9, 2019
At that point, I thought that it was the plateau of my career in terms of the academic profession… but I was wrong.