
Journal Submission & Peer Review

Dr. Jonas Ranstam, a medical statistician, was the overall winner of the Sentinels of Science Awards (2016). He was affiliated with several institutions, including Lund…
As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top…
We have the perfect forum where you can learn about and also clarify all your doubts about the manuscript tracking system. Join our Facebook Live Q&A on March 2,…
Facebook Live Q&A - Tracking your manuscript in journal submission systems
Did you know that you can avoid some of the most common reasons for journal rejection by paying attention to a few details while writing and submitting your research…
Tips to avoid journal rejection [Free e-book for researchers]
What happens when a bad review ruins the chances of your manuscript's acceptance? Well of course, you have the option to appeal against the journal's decision. But you…
Most journals require complete disclosure of potential conflicts of interest from authors at the time of submission.However, it is sometimes difficult for authors to…
Failure to disclose potential conflict of interest lands author in trouble: A case study
Editorial Manager® (EM) is the manuscript submission system of choice for many well-known journals. This post provides step-by-step instructions on how authors can use…
Getting scooped is a major fear that most scientists battle. It can be extremely upsetting if an author gets scooped due to delays in the journal publication process. As…
Authors sometimes have preconceived ideas about copyright. Some authors are under the impression that open access articles do not have copyright. Such a mistaken idea…
Retractions are central to academic publishing, but they have been too journal-centric and stereotyped. Therefore, researchers hesitate to disclose even honest errors in…