

In 1989, when I was 21 years old, I decided to make a serious change in my life. I moved to America and joined the army to become a soldier
That journey of completing my thesis really taught me a lot. Looking back at that time, I realize I had a belief in my mind that I should not give up, that I needed to…
It was a very difficult stage in my life. I had to manage my studies along with my parenting responsibilities. I felt I was drowning, and needed someone to save me.
  • Guest Author
  • November 22, 2019
Does journalistic writing prove advantageous to me as a researcher, or does it muddle my research manuscript by turning it into a journalistic article rather than an…
So am I an early-career researcher, or a mid-career researcher? Right now, I’m not sure that I’m either. I think I’m in a weird transition space between the two. Growing…
Your Research. Your Life. Your Story. is a platform that features some really great and inspiring personal stories of researchers and academics. This is a forum on which…
When I received my first peer review invitation, I could not believe it was real. I always thought that only experienced academics received such invitations. Although…
I couldn’t have asked for a better first week of fieldwork. However, it sure has been a roller coaster of emotions. The landscape here is tough. And by tough I mean a…
Your first peer review experience might have been smooth, or it might have been diastrous. Regardless, it is one that has stuck with you as you advance in your academic…
  • Guest Author
  • September 19, 2019
About six years ago, when I became a university lecturer in Nigeria, I was suddenly faced with a difficult situation. I was forced to “publish or perish” in…