
Journal Submission & Peer Review

As an author, you might be relieved once your paper receives a conditional acceptance. But what if the journal rejects the paper later, not because the revisions are not…
The unpredictable nature of the journal decision-making process and the delays involved make it a stressful experience for authors. In this article, an experienced…
How to make the journal review process seamless: Recommendations from a journal editor
Once a paper is submitted to a journal, authors eagerly wait for the editorial decision. But how does the editor actually take the decision on a manuscript? This article…
Behind the scenes: How a journal editor reaches a decision on a manuscript after peer review
What happens to a manuscript once it is submitted to a journal? This article, written by an experienced journal editor, throws light on what exactly the role of the…
Behind the scenes: A journal editor's insight into what happens post manuscript submission
How serious is an erratum, expression of concern, or a retraction? They should all be avoided as they do not reflect well on your research if it needs to be corrected or…
While the phenomenon of retraction has received a lot of attention from the scientific community, what has not received enough eyeballs are retraction notices. Most…
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about conducting peer review of a scientific manuscript. If you get all questions right, you get the right to brag about it…
Quiz: Do you know what it takes to be a good peer reviewer?
As the volume of publishing is increasing, journal editors are finding it increasingly difficult to appoint reviewers as many refuse review requests. What are the…
Why peer reviewers refuse review requests
Even though you wrote and edited your manuscript, did you know that once you submit it to a journal for publication and the journal accepts your paper, the journal owns…
Poor copyediting leads to the publication of a paper with errors and without final approval by the author. When the author informs the EIC, a correction is made, but the…