

As a grad student with an invisible chronic illness, I have both the luxury and the misfortune of being able to blend in with everyone else. I go to the same classes. I…
  • Guest Author
  • September 6, 2019
I always had a hard time saying NO. Every time I did, it felt like a missed opportunity. I wish I had infinite time and say yes to all the cool opportunities I get. But…
I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression and specific learning difficulties at the age of 32. In retrospect, it’s been something that I have really struggled with…
  • Guest Author
  • July 8, 2019
When I am feeling my most discouraged and whipped by this PhD I tend to start listing mentally, everything that has happened in my life over the past 2.5 years that have…
  • Guest Author
  • July 8, 2019
Arriving in the remote Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard was like crossing a threshold into my childhood dreams. The many books on polar exploration I devoured as a child…
  • Guest Author
  • July 8, 2019
I am currently in the writing phase of my PhD and have been working hard towards completing my thesis. Here, I have compiled an actual to-do list, based on how I spend…
As I was getting closer to completing my PhD, I imagined my final blog post to be filled with pictures of champagne-flowing glasses, lots of laughing and giggling, and…
  • Guest Author
  • July 8, 2019
Being a medievalist, I realized that there was no way I was getting into a doctoral program without learning Latin. So, I started looking into Master’s programs, and was…
  • Guest Author
  • July 8, 2019
When my daughter was born, I was in the middle of teaching a third-year course online. I could have gone on maternity leave, but the union rules for sessional lecturers…
It’s now three days after my viva and I’ve almost managed to mentally process the outcome. I passed, with no corrections! Here, I'd like to share how I spent the hours…