
News & Trends

In some cases it may be challenging to remain patient if the review process is delayed, and critical comments may be disappointing after the substantial effort invested…
Shivanee Shah, Senior Publications Manager, Support Services, Editage, attended 2nd edition of the science communication conference called ScienceComm’18 India organized…
The UK's largest funder, UKRI, has released a statement expressing its stance against bullying and harassment in research and academia.
Donald Trump’s administration has issued this memo and its contents are vital in understanding where the U.S. government is headed. The memo, which has been written…
Dr. A.P. Jayaraman is a nuclear scientist-engineer who uses his passion for science to drive path-breaking science communication initiatives in India. He founded the…
Cactus Communications announced the launch of, a platform that not only offers researchers access to the latest research and information on COVID…
This article explores the various views around using ChatGPT or any other LLM as a peer reviewing tool.
The theme of Peer Review Week 2019 was Quality in Peer Review. We reached out to a bunch of people to know what they thought about peer review. Here are some of the…
Global survey throws light on people’s perception of science and healthcare. 54% of the respondents confirmed a medium level of trust in scientists, revealed the survey…
In Peer Review Week 2020, we discuss trust in peer review with a focus on the main challenges for peer reviewers, and whether AI and technology can change scholarly…