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Use #DearDrEddy on Twitter to join Editage Insights on December 17 and 18, from 14:00 to 15:00 UTC, for a live Q&A session with Dr. Eddy, who represents the…
This post describes the different kinds of word-related information that a dictionary offers, including meaning, usage, pronunciation, etymology, etc.
This post shows how English monolingual dictionaries differ in terms of the number of words, quotations, sequence in which different meanings of the same word are…
Should germline modification be allowed on human embryos? To discuss this issue, geneticists from across the globe will meet in the International Summit on Human Gene…
November was an interesting month for the scholarly communication folks. This month was marked by discussions around irreproducibility, authorship conflict, and costs of…
Academic publishing and scholarly communications: Good reads, November 2015
The role and definition of authorship in scientific and medical publishing has become increasingly complicated in recent years. With a proliferation of…
Undergoing the process of scientific publication is inevitable for researchers, but most find this a daunting task as it is long drawn and effort intensive. After…
Editage Insights celebrated its second anniversary this November! We’ve grown by leaps and bounds and I’m excited to share our experience so far and give you a glimpse…
In this article, Ashley Smith discusses the common areas of author confusion regarding figure guidelines and offers suggestions on how to simplify and clarify journal…
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about conducting peer review of a scientific manuscript. If you get all questions right, you get the right to brag about it…