
Research Paper Structure

This article presents the case of one of our clients who we helped create an effective manuscript by assisting in the creation of graphs. Read on to understand how and…
Effective data presentation increases research impact
Although the Acknowledgments section of a research paper is perhaps the easiest to write, this simple exercise can prove difficult. This post offers you some helpful…
Tips on writing the Acknowledgments section
As a result of technological developments and the increasing importance of article-level metrics, social media have become a valid source of information. There are…
The journal publication process involves several rounds of interaction—both direct and indirect—with journal editors and journal reviewers. Communicating clearly and…
How researchers can communicate more effectively with journals
This article discusses the tips and tricks of writing the Results and Discussion sections of a research paper. Read on to learn how to write an effective research paper.
Research nearly always involves measuring and counting: drawing inferences based on quantitative data is one of the distinguishing characteristics of science. 
Presenting statistical information effectively: two useful guides
Typically, readers see the title of a paper and, if that interests them, skim through the paper, looking at tables and figures and headings. Therefore, headings offer a…
3 Tips to write informative and logical headings
Read this article to understand the secrets behind writing an effective introduction and methods section of a research paper. 
A good editing service should not only ensure that the paper meets the widely accepted standards for language quality but also help the author improve his/her writing…
How your language editing service can help you improve your writing skills
Most journals ask for keywords during manuscript submission. If you wish to learn how to choose keywords that would increase the visibility of your research paper, read…