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I always had a hard time saying NO. Every time I did, it felt like a missed opportunity. I wish I had infinite time and say yes to all the cool opportunities I get. But…
This post lists five movies that portray applications of real-world science, allowing us to explore and marvel at the possibilities that science can offer.
What comes to people’s minds when you say the word scientist? Chances are most people picture a middle-aged white man toiling away in a dark, mysterious laboratory. A…
I recently read an article that described the stereotypical scientist as an older white male in a white lab coat and goggles, probably holding a test tube of some sort…
Life is changing, yet again, and I have to find time to keep doing important things. We all dream of a stable future devoid of inconveniences. It is perhaps, how we…
  • Guest Author
  • May 15, 2019
When calculating the electrokinetic force, the convention has been to assume that there is no relative velocity of the fluid compared to the surface, which holds true…
I will not sugar coat it: I work in a refugee camp designed to be an open-air prison in the middle of a desert. This means working long hours and witnessing people…
In our careers, we often carry around burdens that slow us down, but we keep carrying them because they’re not quite heavy enough to get our attention. And, one of the…
In this blog post, we will explore the impact of misclassification of variables, provide practical examples to illustrate their significance, and discuss strategies to…
Human body communication (HBC) uses the human body to transmit power and data, very much like the internet. In a recent study published in IEEE Transactions on…