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This post looks at the relavence of style guides in today's digital world, talks about subject-specific style manuals and general-purpose style manuals, and explains why…
My postdoc hadn’t worked out. The first sign that things were going wrong came before my official start date, but it wasn’t until approximately 2 months into the postdoc…
On the occasion of International Peer Review Week, ScienceTalks and Editage jointly invited experts to answer questions about peer review. Here are the top questions…
With the US government being one of the world’s biggest funders of research, the new OSTP policy has sparked widespread reactions globally. During the International Open…
As the year 2023 is coming towards an end, we have compiled our top 10 articles for you! 
The interaction between ‘transfer RNAs’ and the enzymes that help them in protein synthesis is a key area of interest to understand the evolution of the genetic code…
Complex networks are ubiquitous in the real world, from artificial to purely natural ones, and they exhibit very similar geometric properties. Algorithms based on…
I left academia about a year ago and started working in biotech, selling analytical equipment to researchers. It was a painful process, and at first I didn’t really want…
To say that my boat ride to Small Gobal island in the Middle East was an adventure would be an understatement. Due to the high winds, the boat was uncomfortably vertical…
This story is an extract from an interview with Nobel Laureate Sir Tim Hunt, where he talks about how he missed an important step in his research and went on to make a…