
News & Trends

Prof. J. Patrick Barron—an editor/editorial consultant for a wide range of journals such as the Journal of Bronchology and the Journal of Cardiac Surgery, and a member…
Wouldn’t it be interesting to know what the academic world thinks of open access (OA) publishing and related topics, such as peer review, licensing, re-use, and metrics?…
The impact factor has for a long time been a measure of journal prestige. Most authors wish to publish their papers in the so called high impact journals, even though it…
Editage announced its commitment to providing a seamless manuscript submission experience for authors by becoming the first to adopt Aries’ manuscript “ingest”…
"Researchers in the field all chase the Next Big Thing." Dr. Røislien, famous Norwegian science communicator, discusses in the second part of our interview the…
With science becoming increasingly competitive, every published paper is seen as a step up the ladder of success. Thus, blocking or delaying publication of an academic…
Retraction is a way of alerting the research community of a paper’s questionable credibility. However, retracted papers continue to have an ‘afterlife’, in the form of…
Dr. Kevin Steinmetz is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work at Kansas State University. He was involved in starting the…
Why are researchers choosing open access? A growing realization of the benefits of switching from the traditional subscription model to the open access model has…
In this second part of our interview, Dr. Hames discusses how the journal editorial process has evolved over the years, the dissatisfaction with the traditional peer…