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To choose the right word from a pair or a group of words with similar meaning, we may consult a dictionary of synonyms. However, there are words that are so similar in…
Scientific writing: Difference between "almost" and "nearly"
In a list of bullet points, whether each item begins with a capital letter depends on the punctuation mark that comes before the item. A capital letter typically marks…
Scientific writing: Tips on capitalization in bullet point lists
Novice researchers are often discouraged from using the first person pronouns I and we in their writing, and the most common reason given for avoiding the use of the…
Is it acceptable to use first person pronouns in scientific writing?
Using such expressions as “for example,” “for instance,” and “including” correctly is important. This article explains these terms and how to use them appropriately…
Scientific writing: Difference between "namely," "such as," and "including"
The use of figures and tables as adjuncts to text is common in research papers. These adjuncts supplement the text: figures, for example, can convey information that may…
Avoid instructions such as "See Table 2" and "Refer to Figure 6"
Many authors struggle with the usage of tenses in their research paper. This post discusses tense usage in specific sections of the manuscript to help authors write with…
Getting the tenses right: Materials and methods section
When writing a research paper, you have to consider several matters of style. This article discusses the use of abbreviations and numbers in academic writing. …
Scientific writing: Avoid starting sentences with a number or abbreviation
"As the number of scientists conducting research has reached unforeseen heights, it appears that the quality of conducted and published research has reached new lows."…
Misplaced trust? The problems in science publication
There has been a tremendous increase in the number of research papers submitted to academic journals, which has significantly increased the pressure on journal editors…
How authors do themselves a disservice
The most commonly cited sources in research papers are other papers, published in journals. However, especially in the humanities, books come a close second.