
Publication Planning

Reading relevant and recent literature is as integral a part of a researcher’s life as is conducting research. This free downloadable handbook offers tips on how you can…
In this blogpost, we will delve into what ascertainment bias is, its implications in biomedical research, and strategies to prevent it, particularly for experienced…
We will address two questions in this post: (i) Why is it important to make your research more accessible to a wider audience? (ii) How can you communicate your findings…
Literature search, in general, is quite a time- and effort-intensive task. It is therefore quite likely that researchers and clinicians involved in interdisciplinary or…
This article is a brief overview of how inclusive-language guidelines have evolved, some key considerations, and important standard guidelines on how to use inclusive…
In the recent three decades, search engines and online archives for indexed journals have accelerated the literature search process. Here we discuss how AI tools today…
This article highlights the dangers that paper mills pose and how well-meaning researchers can avoid their pitfalls.
On July 21, 2022, the prominent blog Retraction Watch and esteemed American journal Science published articles on the newly uncovered evidence of potential…
In this blog post, we will explore the impact of misclassification of variables, provide practical examples to illustrate their significance, and discuss strategies to…
The supplemental data are crucial to many papers. This post answers some common questions about supplemental data, how they can help you, how they can be used…