
Research Ethics

Many researchers indulge in what is known as ‘outcome switching,’ which means the trial report does not include outcomes that are part of the pre-registration, or…
How outcome switching is rendering clinical trials meaningless
The pressure to publish or perish can make authors desperate to increase their publication count. However, being tempted to divide a single study and publish it as…
GPP3 is published in September 2015. This Editage lecture was conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Wager. Dr. Wager. In this lecture, she explained the principles behind GPP,…
Submitting compelling and novel content to a journal is only one element in having an article accepted for publication. The presentation and organization of your…
The policies concerning the need for ethical approval by an institutional review board or ethics committee can be different in different countries. This can unfairly…
Registration for clinical trials is a must for a study to be even considered for publication. Some journals follow the ICMJE guidelines for clinical trial registration…
While reviewing an author’s manuscript, our publication expert observed that the result of an experiment seemed highly improbable and one of the images provided seemed…
Safeguard your manuscript against suspected data fabrication and image duplication
Protecting the identity of enrolled patients is of utmost importance in clinical studies. However, sometimes, if the study involves facial features, it can be difficult…
Protecting the identity of enrolled subjects in case reports and clinical trials
Case: The study proposed a new wound healing technique and involved needle puncture on patients from two medical centers. It was mentioned in the paper that an…
Case study: The need for informed consent
"Many journals are not only seeing more problems, the cases also seem to be becoming more complex." Dr. Hames discusses how current ethical issues across the…