
Career Growth

To be a successful researcher, it is imperative that you make optimum use of the time available to you. Effective time-management not only helps avoid the last-minute…
Writing grant proposals can be a difficult process, involving significant amounts of time, resources, and energy until the proposal is successfully submitted. This…
Vincent Vanhoucke, Principal Scientist at Google tells you what they don't teach you in graduate school.
In this post I will take you through a simple process to find and access online channels that you can use to build an audience to which you can promote your research. 
Dr. Ben Britton leads the Experimental Micromechanics Group of postdoctoral researchers, PhD and masters students, and academic visitors at Imperial College London. Dr…
This post explains what lay summaries are, the purpose they serve, the stages in your career when you may need to write them, and how they can help make your research…
Do you aspire to become a peer reviewer? Reviewing scientific literature can help you develop your writing and communication skills. Moreover, you will be able to keep…
Predatory behavior is growing rapidly in the publishing industry: it is no longer just the predatory journals and publishers; even predatory conferences are on the rise…
Imagine that you have working tirelessly on a grant proposal keeping all the other work aside, and sent the proposal with a lot of hope. And then you are communicated…
Top tips for researchers on how to avoid grant proposal rejection
An inspiring post in which an early-career researcher narrates her personal story and takes us through the ups and downs of her on-going journey as a PhD student. She…