
Style & Format

Scientific writing often uses a few Latin phrases, either abbreviated (etc. for et cetera and et al. for et alii) or spelt out (in vitro, in vivo, in situ). Should they…
Latin phrases in scientific writing: italics or not
With modern word processors, we no longer have to make do with the same key for lowercase ‘l’ and numeral ‘1’ (as those who have used old portable typewriters may recall…
Using the correct symbols: the degree sign and the multiplication sign
Among the many ways in which journals differ in the way, they expect authors to format references is the way names of journals are given: whether spelled out in full or…
Handling abbreviations of journal names in references
There are many books on the topic of scientific and research writing, but most researchers hardly have the time to delve into such books. If only there was something…
A 3-page guide to scientific writing
In general, p values tell readers only whether any difference between groups, relationship, etc., is likely to be due to chance or to the variable(s) you are studying…