Q: Can you help me write a letter to the editor talking about the significance of Corona warriors around us?

1 Answer to this question

That is an interesting topic. While the full force of the pandemic may be behind us, there are emergent issues of import like the new strains, questions over the efficacy and safety of some vaccines, and resurgence of the virus in some geographies – and Corona warriors have been fighting through it all, and are still fighting. So, more power to them! [For the story of one such warrior, you may wish to go though this piece: We shall overcome some day - The COVID-19 pandemic from the eyes of a physician]

Coming to your query, we understand you mean a special letter to the editor, one that is a short-form article of sorts, published either in the regular letters section of the journal or in a special letters journal. So, before you send this out to the journal, it would help to check out the exact section or journal it would appear in. Additionally, you would do well to look up the guidelines for this, although they are not as many as those for a regular article. Finally, reviews for these are not as long and intensive as those for scientific pieces, taking only a few days and mostly being done internally, usually by the Associate Editor (AE).

Anyway, you’ll find pointers for writing such a letter in this earlier query by another researcher: Should letters to the editor be checked for factual accuracy before publication?

Also, as you’ll probably need to do some amount of literature search for your letter, you’ll find this article helpful: Tips for effective literature searching and keeping up with new publications

Finally, for COVID-specific information, you may find it useful to refer to this site by a related brand: COVID19.researcher.life

Hope all that helps. All the best for your letter!