Q: Can you help me write the background for my research topic?

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My topic is: assessment of anesthetist practice toward enhanced recovery after surgery for elective abdominal surgeries. I do not know the contents that can be included in the background.

1 Answer to this question

We cannot help you write the background for your topic as the topic is very specialized.  Additionally, since you are the author, it would not be very ethical for someone else to help you write it. However, we can provide pointers as well as relevant resources to that you will find useful.

The background is the first part in the introduction section and explains the ‘why’ of your study, that is, why you are studying this topic. The background has to set the context for the study and also explain the purpose of the study. Thus, in your case, you will probably need to discuss how anesthesia is used in elective abdominal surgeries and how its efficacy is evaluated vis-à-vis similar surgeries. Again, note that this is merely a suggestion.

You will be able to write an effective background once you have completed a comprehensive literature review around the problem you are studying. The background has to provide the gist of the literature review. The details of the literature review form the next part of the introduction (after the background).

You can organize and structure the background by addressing the following questions:

  • What is known about the broad topic?
  • What are the existing gaps in the broad topic?
  • What is the significance of addressing those gaps?
  • What is the rationale of your study?
  • What is the hypothesis of your study?

For further help, you may refer to the following resources: