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This year, the Golden Goose awards were handed out to scientists for their momentous contribution to COVID-19 research.

As life forced many of us to move from one type of daily normal to another, we have all been tasked with keeping the wheels of productivity turning. Many are desperately trying to fit into this…

Elsevier and JUSTICE, Japan's largest consortium of university libraries, announce a three-year open access (OA) agreement commencing January 1, 2021

My two year-old is asleep now and my first grader is about to work on her math assignment for the day. Right now, my spirit and flesh are both weak, I have to help with math homework, and I really…

I leapt at the opportunity to reflect on my PhD and to write for those just starting out their exciting and terrifying PhD journeys. Then, I sat down to write, and the problem fell upon my…

Today is the 7th anniversary of Editage Insights! And what makes this day all the more special for me is that today I am writing this post as Editage Insights’ new Editor-in-Chief.

Research culture has often been described as inherently competitive, stressful, and hierarchical. Chasing research excellence has led long working hours and work pressure to gain unquestioned…

Posgraduate student numbers have been increasing every year, but have teaching faculty numbers kept pace? Also, has the faculty process has been clearly thought through and communicated to both…

2020 has brought with it many, many challenges, draining away my passion for my work. So, I decided to back track, and go right back to why I fell in love with the ocean in the first place and why…

The International Open Access Week is a great time for the community to reflect upon the ways open access is reshaping scholarly publishing and communication. We reached out to a bunch of people…